
Eaton - Eaton’s Electronics Division is a diversified global manufacturer of circuit and overvoltage protection products as well as power management magnetics and supercapacitors. Through innovative technology and custom-engineered designs, Eaton provides unique solutions for today’s market-driven requirements. With the acquisition of Cooper Industries by Eaton, Cooper Bussmann Electronics is now called Eaton Electronics Division.
AX Semiconductor galtzerdi banatzailea da Eaton. Mesedez jarri gurekin egindako edozein produktu behar baduzu Eaton.
Eaton Produktuak
Induktoreak, bobinak, oilarrak
Kaxak, itxiturak, errailak
Hardwarea, Fasteners, Osagarriak
Etiketak, seinaleak, oztopoak, identifikazioa
Bateriaren produktuak