TDK Corporation

TDK Corporation TDK Corporation (Tokyo Denkikagaku Kogyo) was established in December 1935 with the aim of becoming the world's first commercial manufacturer of the magnetic material ferrite. TDK, since then, has continued ceaselessly to turn out a variety of products and services making use of its materials technology, centering on ferrite and ceramics, and processing technology, which draws out the properties of materials to the maximum degree. The founding spirit of TDK, "contribute to culture and industry through creativity," continues to this day to pulsate throughout the company.
AX Semiconductor galtzerdi banatzailea da TDK Corporation. Mesedez jarri gurekin egindako edozein produktu behar baduzu TDK Corporation.
TDK Corporation Produktuak
Kristalak, Osziladoreak, Erresonadoreak
Argindar hornidura - Board Mount
Zirkuituen babesa
Induktoreak, bobinak, oilarrak
Garapen taulak, kitak, programatzaileak
Zintak, Itsasgarriak, Materialak
Motorrak, solenoideak, gidari-taulak / moduluak
Magnetika - Transformadorea, induktorearen osagaia
Ikuskapen optikoa duten ekipoak